Welcome to My Magical World of Connection

An Exclusive Invitation

to Elite Connections Circle

Private Coaching

Soulful. Profitable. Strategic

 Curated Connections for Visionary Leaders 

As an expert in curating private luncheons, I invite you to join an extraordinary gathering of female partners and managing directors in legal and financial services.


These meticulously crafted connections bring leaders together to discuss pressing issues and innovative solutions in a safe, supportive environment.

In this sanctuary of shared wisdom, we address leadership challenges, exchange best practices, and elevate each other to new heights.


Here, we celebrate and champion success, focusing on authentic leadership and personal growth to create lasting legacies.

Register Your Interest

What past participants are saying

What a fabulous lunch hosted by Jocelyn. So great to be surrounded by inspiring and powerful women in leadership - we enjoyed some insightful discussions regarding the future of work, innovation and inclusivity. 

Claire Walczak

Partner Landers and Rogers


Thanks for arranging and hosting a truly insightful and empowering lunch Jocelyn!

Fiona Getty 
Partner Amrop Carmichael Fisher


Thank you for organising a wonderful lunch of empowering women Jocelyn!

Eliza Smith
Associate Director at Rubiix Business Accountants


Thanks for organising Jocelyn - what a wonderful group of inspiring female leaders!

Teresa Catalano
Managing Principal at iWills Legal



A wonderful way to spend a Tuesday!  Grateful to have shared in so many meaningful conversations with a group of such accomplished, professional women. Thank you for hosting Jocelyn!

Jemma Mackenzie
Partner Forte Family Lawyers


That was such a fantastic event to build really strong connections in our respective professions and broaden the network of women supporting other women.

Mandy Findlow
Partner McLean Delmo Bentleys 


Want a fabulous group of ladies! A wonderful lunch. Thank you for the invitation and hosting Jocelyn 🙌 I look forward to catching up with you all again soon!

Renee Di Carlo
Director Rodgers Reidy


Thank you for having me and facilitating such a beautiful event Jocelyn!  Was great to meet everyone and I am excited for potential collaborations in future

Evguenia Rutkowski
Director and Principal Park Lane



 Such a great lunch, Jocelyn! Thank you for the invitation. Looking forward to more!

Jane Libbis 
Partner Umbrella Family Law



Thank you Jocelyn for curating such a great group of like-minded women for lunch. The company was standout - the food divine!

Stephanie Doyle
Principal, Doyle’s Family Law